Manage your own phones
End users can manage their own phones, configure speed dials
Request groups and phones yourself
Request softphones through the end-user portal, as well as memberships in Hunt and Pickup groups
Block and unblock calls
Block phone numbers yourself and unblock them via their own phone book
Manage voicemails
Upload greetings as sound file, play voicemails in end-user portal, manage greetings
Feature list
Manage your own phones
Let your users manage their own phones themselves
Manage your own voicemail
Users can play voicemails in the browser, upload sound files themselves and use them as greetings, customize after-greeting settings
Playing voicemails in the browser
Users can play voicemails in the browser, upload sound files themselves and use them as greetings, customize after-greeting settings
Customize After Greeting option yourself
Users can play voicemails in the browser, upload sound files themselves and use them as greetings, customize after-greeting settings
Softphones request
If enabled, users can request softphones themselves. The helpdesk can deny or allow this request.
Access to Hunt and Pickup groups request
Users can manage group memberships among themselves. Users can ask other group members via the portal whether they are allowed to become members or not
View call list (created from CDR data)
If you import the CDR files in EasyUC, a call list can be displayed in the end user portal. However, this list does not serve as a full-fledged call list
personal phone book
Create your own contacts in the personal phonebook. Incoming calls are resolved against these entries
Group memberships visible (Hunt and Pickup)
End users can see which groups they are members of and which other users are also members
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